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The unspoken truth about Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Writer: Steve  MurraySteve Murray

Updated: 3 days ago

Convenience is the real enemy of our health

In today's fast-paced world, where convenience often trumps effort, the importance of physical activity is frequently overshadowed by the allure of instant gratification. Yet, as research continues to unfold, the undeniable truth emerges: Exercise is not just a lifestyle choice; it's a life-saving necessity.

The Progress Paradox: Yet another chicken or egg debate

Humans have historically pursued change driven by biological imperatives for security, health, and prosperity. While technology may have spurred progress could it be that our DNA's inherent desire for greater convenience has influenced technological development. In striving to succeed in life's unwinnable game, we have compromised the code safeguarding our health.

Fig 1 : Human health (not longevity) started to decline from the agricultural revolution and has not stopped


Time Period

Key Features

Impact on health

Agricultural Revolution

~10,000 years ago

Transition from nomadic to settled farming

Reliability of food sources

Height and health of the people declined due to a lack of food variety, declining levels of activity and disease from domestic animals 

Industrial Revolution

Late 18th century

Mechanization and mass production

Innovations like the steam engine

Further decline in health due spread of diseases such as cholera, typhus, and TB

AI Revolution


Machine learning and automation

Enhanced productivity and creativity

Epidemic of Non Communicable Disease that are responsible for ~ 120 000 deaths per day


Greater Convenience Does Not Equate to Better Quality.

This quote below is an example of how tech leaders misunderstand the definiition of quality of life. AI will undoutably improve the convenience of life but the author would argiue that it will continue to decraese the quality

Fig 2: Ccnvenience is not quality
Fig 2: Ccnvenience is not quality

Additionally, in our quest for a more convenient lifestyle, we often mistakenly associate quantity with quality. While it is true that modern medicine has extended life expectancy, this figure has now plateaued, and we are witnessing a decline in life expectancy within developed nations.

Why is it ....

Our DNA has inbuilt and really unpleasant triggers for cold, thirst or even lack of sleep, all of which are not good for us and could be fatal, but no trigger for sedentary behaviour.

Why is there no unpleasant trigger for being sedentary
Fig 3: Why is it

The answer is that a scenario in which human’s stopped moving was never contemplated by our creator!


So What - Does it Matter?

In this seminal work by Dr Steven Blair, we see the importance of CRF

Low Cardiorespiratory Fitness is the highest cause of death
Fig 4 : Low Cardiorespiratory Fitness is the highest cause of death

Low cardiorespiratory fitness is the most important indicator or human health and mortality and is a risk factor linked to chronic diseases and adverse health outcomes. Promoting physical activity is crucial for improving fitness and reducing mortality rates.

Age is just a number
Fig 5: Age is just a number

Age is merely a numerical value that does not define a person's vitality or potential. A physically fit 80-year-old often possesses a better chance of living longer than an unfit 60-year-old, illustrating that health and lifestyle choices play a crucial role in longevity.

CRF protects against disease
Fig 6 : CRF protects against disease

Being FIT significantly enhances overall mortality rates, providing protective benefits even when various risk factors persist in an individual's health profile.

Ultimately, the quality of life is what truly matters. Every system in our body relies on movement to function optimally. When we stop moving, we start dying—it's as stark as that. So, embrace the challenge, move more, and live a fuller, healthier life.


Understanding METs: Your CRF Metric

One of the ways that CRF is measured is METs (Metabolic Equivalents of Task). This quantifies how efficiently your heart, lungs, blood vessels, and muscles deliver and utilize oxygen. There are other ways such as the more commonly used V02.

Fig 7: METS gaols



Red Flag Zone:

A CRF of 6 METs or less significantly increases your risk of chronic illness by 41% to 56%.

Optimal Zone:

Aim for a CRF of 10 METs or more to reap the full health benefits.

Further Gains:

Each additional MET beyond 10 boosts health benefits by 13% to 21% but the benifits level out after 10 METS

The Astonishing Power of CRF

The scientific literature reveals the remarkable impact of CRF on various health conditions:

Fig 8: Could you limit your sleeping, sitting, working to 23 1/2 hours per day

Need help or motivation to get started with an exercise programme?

The Importance of Testing and Personalized Exercise

Fig 9 :Coopers 12 min walk/run test
Fig 9 :Coopers 12 min walk/run test

Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) can be easily tested non-invasively through methods like submaximal exercise tests, including treadmill walking or cycle ergometer tests. These can be conducted in clinical settings, fitness facilities, or at home with simple equipment, measuring your body's response to physical exertion without reaching maximum capacity

Take Control of Your Health

Like your blood pressure, cholesterol, and HIV status, your CRF is a crucial number to know and to understand throughout your life. So, how do we bring movement back into our daily lives?

So here is a thought.. Lets make our days harder.

  • Make your day harder by integrating enjoyable movement into your routine to enhance physical well-being. Whether it's taking the stairs or parking a bit further away or walking the dogs

  • Choose activities that you like whether it's dancing, hiking, or swimming to make exercise enjoyable and sustainable.

  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of daily activity or a weekly goal of 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75min of vigorous exercise

  • Include strength training twice a week. This improves muscle mass, metabolism, bone density, and functional fitness, supporting both physical and mental health.

Optimal Cardiorespiratory Fitness (CRF) is crucial for protecting against chronic diseases, which cause about 80% of deaths in South Africa. By increasing physical activity, you invest in a healthier, more vibrant future.Higher CRF levels enhance metabolic function, weight management, and immune response, leading to increased energy, better mental health, and stress resilience.


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Fig 10: Join one of our communities
Fig 10: Join one of our communities


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